
Celebrating 50 Years of HUGHP

Dear Members of the Harvard Community,

Welcome to the HUGHP 50-year anniversary page. In 2023, the Harvard University Group Health Plan (HUGHP), a health insurance plan managed by Harvard University Health Services and created exclusively for the Harvard community, will mark its 50th anniversary. Throughout the year, HUHS will honor this significant milestone by celebrating the past, focusing on the present, and looking toward the future.

Founded in 1973 with only 866 members, HUGHP was created to provide Harvard employees with efficient and affordable access to preventive care and medical treatment. Now, the plan serves over 11,000 employees and their dependents at more than 25 network primary care centers throughout Eastern Massachusetts. 

Professional man in a suit and bowtie smiling warmly at the camera.
Giang Nguyen, MD, MPH, MSCE, FAAFP

HUGHP has made significant strides and innovations in how it cares for our employee community in its 50 years of operation. In the midst of many decades of evolution, there remains a deeply rooted culture – created by a carefully calibrated system between HUGHP and the HUHS clinical practice- that ensures members of the Harvard community are provided with high-quality care, comprehensive health plan coverage and personalized customer service.

Throughout the year, HUGHP will arrange raffles, workshops, and other events to mark its 50th anniversary. Information about the celebration can be found on this commemorative website.

Best wishes,

Giang Nguyen, MD, MPH, MSCE, FAAFP
Associate Provost for Campus Health and Wellbeing
Executive Director, Harvard University Health Services

Archived Communications